

C olour is and will always be a science    and one must be careful how and   where and for whom the colour is designed. We have to accept that no manufacturer of paint, interior decorator or magazine can decide and advice on the generalized influence and use of colours in the humane colour world, because we are dealing with a sense, vision, influenced by light, surface and observer. We “see” ( experience) colour through our sense, sight(eye) and that process is known as VISION . The lack of confidence in colour choices, is mainly caused by the commercial               exploitation of colour, because people accept their colour advice as scientific correct and do not realize that colour   use is more complicated than the   choosing of a beautiful colour! Colour may evoke associations with odour and taste , appear heavy or light , give   tactile      ...


. Every room has its own reason for accepting or rejecting a colour. This is reason enough for us to have a room experience. Experience has proved to us that some of the colours we have chosen, seldom work the way we wanted, but we seldom admit it to our self. We mostly work with surface colours to create the mood of a space. But, room experience not only involves colour, but all the elements contained in its ensemble. We are not always aware of the fact that the architectural environment influences the human psyche beyond aesthetical impressions. No wonder it is wrongly assumed that as long as an architectural space is aesthetical pleasing, it satisfies the needs and function of the environment. Resulting in, the choosing of colours is done to compliment the environment, and the influence of the colour on the inhabitants is ignored. Colour experience, what does it actually means? To perceive colour, means to experience, to become consciously aware of. The process of colour ...
 4  WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR COLOUR TO BE SEEN? Colour is the result of the combined influence of the "IN THERE " and " OUT THERE " events. WE refer to it as the 3D Colour Dimensions, namely LIGHT, OBSERVER and OBJECT . Colour does not exist in the physical sense. In every second of observation, the interaction of light , surface , and human perception create colours(Hue) anew. And because sensitivity to colour differs among individuals, each person's perception will be unique in some way, based on what he/she has just perceived and all that has been received before. Understanding the working of all three the Colour Dimensions, will make you realize why we cant all see colour the same. What is LIGHT ? Light is visible energy(Radiant Energy) that is emitted by a light source. A light source can be any one of a number of things: the SUN, and any artificial light source. The sun is the most important natural source of light, which contains all seven the spec...


    In our everyday lives, an infinite number of colours surround us, which we take pretty much for granted, although it has a wide range of roles in our daily lives; it influences our tastes in food and numerous other purchases, even the colour of a person’s face can also tell us about that person’s health. Colour is one of the luxuries of the modern world, never before in history has so many colour choices been available, and never so easily or inexpensively. Colour surely plays the most important role in our lives, and yet we take it for granted, not realizing the ininfluence colour has on our daily lives. Although colour plays such a big role in our lives, our knowledge of colour and its control is mostly insufficient, resulting in numerous problems in deciding on a colour or colour scheme.   Since judgement is mostly performed accordingly to a person’s impressions or experience, it is impossible for everyone to control colour, using common, ...


When we "see" colour, it is a process involving 3 dimensions, namely Light, Surface(object) and Observer. Every one of the 3 dimensions influence the eventual colour we "see".  I'm going to explain briefly but in a very simple way the working of all three dimensions, to make you aware of why colour is an absolute private experience where no one else will ever know what colour or tone you see. It is a subjective experience. In the diagram you can see an illustrated process of seeing, namely 1 LIGHT RAYS (of the sun or any artificial light source)consisting out of 7 spectrum colours,  2 OBJECT(apple) and 3 OBSERVER(eye and brain). TO FOLLOW.. 


Looking at this picture, what do we see? Do we notice the outline of the scene, or are we immediately conscious of the colours used. The fact is that we saw a beautiful painting in colour, and, and if it was not for the colour we used, we would hardly be aware of the beautiful scenery. This scenery is typical of what we experience in our everyday life, even when we look at an interior space.  Unfortunately, you have no complete control over your vision system, your eyes will always be attracted by colour, and that first encounter of a space will unconsciously determine whether YOU like the space or not.  We live in a coloured environment, but would it surprise you to learn that the environment itself, is colouless. Would it also surprise you to find that your eye is not what sees color? Colour vision, what we see, is a complex process. We are dealing with a chain of both "OUT THERE" events in the world around us, and "IN HERE" events in our eyes and brains, res...