Colour is and will always be a science and one must be careful how and where and for whom the colour is designed.
We have to accept that no manufacturer of paint, interior decorator or magazine can decide and advice on the generalized influence and use of colours in the humane colour world, because we are dealing with a sense, vision, influenced by light, surface and observer.
We “see” ( experience) colour through our sense, sight(eye) and that process is known as VISION.
The lack of confidence in colour choices, is mainly caused by the commercial exploitation of colour, because people accept their colour advice as scientific correct and do not realize that colour use is more complicated than the choosing of a beautiful colour!
Colour may evoke associations with odour and taste, appear heavy or light, give tactile impressions, be associated with sound, have volume and temperature associations.
To explain this in a very simple way, we have five senses, they all differ from person to person. It is the uniqueness of the human being, you cannot explain a sense, or replace it

But VISION is the most complicated of all the senses, but when we “SEE” a colour, we experience the UNITY of our senses, called SYNESTHESIA. The use and choice of colours must be considered seriously, and the humane use of colour must play a bigger role in colour design.
Our eyes all work the same way, and the same stimulus produces the same response in everyone’s visual system.
However, what happens after that is another matter!
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